The month of love is upon us! With Valentines Day approaching in February, many of us are focused on the romantic love in our lives (or the lack thereof), but what about other forms of love and how they can affect our daily health?
In this blog, let’s have a deeper look into love and how our body responds to it.
It all comes down to brain chemistry and hormone release… super sexy! There are different chemicals and hormones that are released and communicate between the brain and body to form different reactions.
When it comes to hormones affecting our mood and emotions, there are different ways in which we can balance and encourage more positive releases that make us feel good.
Spreading love doesn’t only have to include a romantic relationship. There are many ways to spread love in different areas of our lives and this in turn make us and others feel good in response!
The major mood hormones are:
Dopamine – This is the pleasure and reward hormone which makes us feel good when we have completed a task, eaten good food or achieved something. This gives us the motivation to do more rewarding tasks.
Helping each other complete an important task can help increase Dopamine. This is how love and care can be shared within a workplace or school, for example. Celebrate the achievements of those around you to spread the love!
Serotonin – This is a mood stabilising hormone that gives us a feeling of well-being and happiness. It also helps us to sleep better. We can increase Serotonin through a healthy diet, exercise, sun exposure, meditation and prayer.
We are all very enthusiastic in the beginning of the year and set great goals to exercise and eat well, but as life gets busy it becomes difficult to stick to your goals. Partner with someone in your life to share these goals with and keep each other in check! This will boost your Serotonin, making you both happier and calmer people.
Endorphins – This is a pain killer hormone. It will reduce stress, make you feel good about yourself and improve your wellness. You can increase the release of endorphins through exercise, laughter, dark chocolate, essential oils like rosemary, getting a massage and doing a random act of kindness.
Share the love this Feb by showing kindness to others. Why not invite someone to go and see a comedy movie together? You can laugh and eat some chocolate all the way to feeling happier and healthier!
Oxytocin – This is the love hormone. Its main action is on the female and male reproductive system and is released during childbirth and breastfeeding and helps a mother to bond with her baby. In a romantic relationship it can be important to help you feel relaxed, less anxious and increases your trust and bonding to your partner. Cuddling, kissing and sexual intimacy is how oxytocin is released in a relationship.
Spread the love by giving someone you care about a hug, cuddle your pets, do some yoga or have a romantic evening of massages and intimacy with your partner to boost oxytocin and feel stronger connections with those around you!
This February, try and spread the love in these different ways to the people in your life and in turn this will create happier and calmer communities with kindness at the root of it all.
Dr Sarah Tandy