A new year; a new fresh start on our health. The holidays can often kick us off of our usual routine of healthy eating and exercise so here are some fun, new healthy tips to try to get your health back on track so that you can feel energized and ready for the day-to-day.
1. Drink more water
This can’t come as a surprise! This is always a must on any list of healthy goals. I want to go into a little more detail about water though. It is important to drink enough water for your body in the day (average is 2L) but it is also important to drink GOOD water. By that I mean water that is firstly clean or filtered, and secondly, that has a high TDS (total dissolved solubles) in it. TDS can be read on the back of all bottled waters and it means that this water is full of its natural minerals that are beneficial for us as well. Supplements for free!
2. Eat a healthy fat and protein with every meal
This is something that I have recently been reminded of and am trying to follow. We all know that dieting can be difficult and often forces us to give up those carbs and sugars that we love. Although I am a fan of cutting these down, it can be a challenge to get to this point. A nice way to balance your blood sugars levels in the day (so you don’t get sugar highs and sugar dips) is to make sure you are eating a healthy fat (olive oil, avocado, seeds, fish) and a healthy protein (beans, chicken, fish, nuts) with every meal because these foods are slow releasing in your body and thus give you longer energy and stop you from craving quick sugary snacks!
3. Support your adrenals
Your adrenal glands are the organs responsible for controlling the release of cortisol, your stress hormone, and many other vital functions. When you are experiencing too much daily stress, your adrenal glands stop functioning as well and can’t keep up, which will eventually lead to burn out. It is important to support your adrenal glands earlier rather than later. Going back to work and routine can put a lot of strain onto your body and start the domino effect of poor sleep, digestive issues, headaches, fatigue and burn out. Don’t let it get to that point! Take time every day for relaxing (see point 4), drink plenty of water, get a good night’s sleep and exercise to release tension. Some great supplements for the adrenal glands are ashwagandha, ginseng, rhodiola rosea, magnesium and vitamin D3.
4. Move your body
Exercise releases tension, decreases your risk of multiple diseases, elevates your mood and helps you to have a deeper sleep. No one person has to follow a set rule of exercising, find what works for you! 15minutes a day is enough to keep you healthy. This can be some relaxing stretches, pilates, high intensity training, walking, running or even a dance party in your kitchen while you prepare dinner. Do something that gets your heart pumping, blood flowing and happy hormones rushing!
5. Balance your mind, body and spirit
It can be simple to eat healthier, drink water, exercise and take our supplements, but we often forget to nourish our mind and spirit along with our body. Find the best time of day for you, whether it’s early morning or after work or before bed, and take 15minutes to be still and relax. Put your phone away, move away from distractions and do something that makes you feel calm and happy. This can be a meditation, yoga, sitting quietly, reading spiritual/religious books, going for a walk, listening to relaxing music or being outside in nature. Find something that grounds you after a busy day and replenishes your spiritual and mental energy again.
6. Work on your relationships
7. Try or learn something new
8. Get your gut back in balance
9. Have a break from technology
10. Breath and laugh it out