So many of us are ‘over-fed but under-nourished.’
What is a superfood?
A superfood is an organic food source which has exceptional nutritional value. It contains a high concentration of necessary nutrients such as antioxidants, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals and so much more!
It is important to note that these foods cannot replace a healthy lifestyle and should be taken in conjunction with a balanced, healthy diet.
Why do we need more superfoods in our diet?
Superfoods have been used by Indigenous people all over the world for generations because of their natural healing and nourishing properties. Today we find that foods are being mass produced with the use of chemical pesticides and high processing which renders the nutritional value very low.
Many of us choose the quick, processed food options out of convenience and Western influences. We forget the value of simple organic foods that are rich in all the nutrients that our body needs and is often deficient in.
Lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and even some cancers are becoming more and more common in society now. These diseases can be easily prevented and even cured through proper lifestyle and dietary advice.
The sooner you introduce superfoods to a balanced, healthy diet, the better your quality of life and health will be!
Types of superfoods and their benefits
1. Berries – (especially blueberries, strawberries and raspberries) are packed with vitamins, antioxidants and fibre which help to protect your cells from getting damaged and causing disease as well as supporting your digestive system. Add them to smoothies or your breakfast youghurt for a dash of colour and goodness!
2. Nuts and seeds – a source of protein and also contain the ‘good’ oils that reduce risk of heart disease and cholesterol build up and have anti-inflammatory properties too. A great work-day snack to keep handy for lasting energy and to feed the cravings.
3. Avocado – contains loads of fibre to support a healthy gut and to break down cholesterol and fat in the body. Avo’s also contain your healthy oils and allow for sustained energy throughout the day.
4. Olive oil – source of vitamin E and healthy fats for reducing heart disease and diabetes. This can be used in salad dressings or in the place of other cooking oils.
5. Fish – a source of healthy protein and omega-3 fatty acids that reduce cholesterol and heart disease and aid in weight loss. They can, however, be high in heavy metals so limit how often you have them and counteract with good antioxidants like berries!
6. Leafy greens – contain tons of nutrients like iron, magnesium, folate, calcium and fibre. They help with inflammation, diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers.
7. Legumes – such as beans, lentils, peas and soya are excellent sources of fibre, protein, B vitamins and minerals. They promote a healthy weight, heart and sugar levels.
8. Medicinal mushrooms – Not your typical superfood but I wanted to add them in here because they can be so nutritious and helpful to our bodies. These aren’t easy to find in a grocery store and need to be bought in powdered form or drops at a health store like Thrive. Mushrooms are packed with nutrients that can help with immunity, heart, liver, digestion, cancer and so much more! They are definitely worth introducing into your daily supplement or smoothie mix.
9. Whole grains – like bulgar, quinoa, brown rice or oats contain a huge amount of fibre for digestive and heart health as well as certain B vitamins and minerals. These are great to substitute in the place of ‘white’ rice, bread or other starches that don’t give sustained energy and contain too much sugar.
10. Moringa – a worthy superfood ingredient which can be bought as a tea, powder or in capsules that will add all the amino acids into your body as well as vitamins, fibre, iron and other minerals. This has shown great results in managing weight loss, diabetes, inflammation and energy.
There are so many more superfoods that should be added to this list and to your diet. Start the switch with one ingredient at a time in one meal of your day and you will notice the results! This also gives you the confidence to add in more of these ingredients, experiment with new recipes and ideas, and feel energized and in control of your own health.